Stražeman 2, Stražeman, Hrvatska
Stražeman se po prvi puta spominje još davne 1332. godine, tj. godine kada se prvi puta spominje crkva sv. Mihaela Arkanđela koja je i danas na glasu kao jedna od najljepših crkva požeškog kraja.
Naime, sama crkva sv. Mihaela Arkanđela je doživjela mnoge stilske preinake kroz svoju povijest, dok najnovije otkriće govori o baroknim freskama nastalim u 18. stoljeću i predstavljaju četiri evanđelista, što je bio čest motiv fresaka kojima su oslikavani svodovi. Nažalost, njihov autor je nepoznat jer je potpis trajno uništen.
Vrijednost ovog otkrića jest u rijetkosti baroknih fresaka na ovom području. Iznad samoga mjesta, oko 3 km sjeverno, nalaze se ostaci srednjovjekovnog dvorca koji se u srednjovjekovnim povijesnim izvorima spominje kao Stražemlje.
Utvrda se nalazi na brdu karakterističnog toponima Grad, na 584 m n/v. Srednjovjekovno naselje Stražemlje je po svemu sudeći, mnogo starije od stražemanske utvrde. Između 1537. i 1539. pod Osmanlije je dospjela i stražemanska utvrda, iako o tome nema izravnih sačuvanih povijesnih podataka.
Stražeman 2, Stražeman, Croatia
Stražeman was first mentioned as far back as 1332, that is the year when the church of Sv. Michael the Archangel, which is still known today as one of the most beautiful churches in the Požega region.
Namely, the church of St. Michael the Archangel has undergone many stylistic alterations throughout its history, while the latest discovery speaks of Baroque frescoes dating back to the 18th century and representing four evangelists, which was a common motif in frescoes depicting vaults. Unfortunately, their author is unknown because the signature was permanently destroyed.
The value of this discovery is in the rarity of Baroque frescoes in this area. Above the place, about 3 km north, are the remains of a medieval castle which is mentioned in medieval historical sources as Stražemlje.
The fort is located on a hill with the characteristic toponym Grad, at 584 m above sea level. Apparently, the medieval settlement of Stražemlje is much older than the Stražemlje fortress. Between 1537 and 1539, the Stražeman fortress came under the Ottomans, although there is no direct preserved historical data on this.