Gospodarstvo “Da-Bar” nalazi se u selu Branešci na šumovitim obroncima Psunja, samo desetak kilometara udaljeno od grada Pakraca u pravcu Požege. Stotinjak metara od ulaza u gospodarstvo prolazi prometnica Pakrac – Požega, koja ničime ne narušava prirodan okoliš, već omogućava posjetiteljima kvalitetan i brz dolazak.
Djelatnost obrta Da-Bar usmjerena je u dva pravca; proizvodnom i turističkom. Proizvodnja zdrave hrane u iznimno kvalitetnim prirodnim uvjetima, iz bistrog planinskog potoka pune se dva jezera u kojima uzgajaju razne vrste slatkovodnih riba, među kojima ističu pastrvu i šarana.
Zabavite se, odmorite, doživite!
Excursion site “Da-Bar” is located in the village Branešci on the wooded slopes of Psunj, only ten kilometers away from the town of Pakrac in the direction of Požega. A hundred meters from the entrance to the farm is the road Pakrac – Požega, which does not disturb the natural environment, but allows visitors a quality and quick arrival.
The activity of the Da-Bar trade is directed in two directions; production and tourism. Production of healthy food in extremely high quality natural conditions, from a clear mountain stream, two lakes are filled in which they breed various species of freshwater fish, among which trout and carp stand out.
Have fun, relax, experience!