Kralja Zvonimira 9, Pleternica, istočno od parka
Mini hidroelektrana Pleternica ili mHE Pleternica je mala hidroelektrana na rijeci Orljavi i prva hidroelektrana u vlasništvu neke jedinice lokalne samouprave u Hrvatskoj (grad Pleternica) i ujedno prva mala hidroelektrana izgrađena nakon osamostaljenja Hrvatske.
mHE Pleternica je snage 220 kW, a planira se da će godišnje proizvoditi 1,1 milijuna kWh električne energije (što je dovoljno za javnu rasvjetu svih 35 naselja na tom području), te gradskom proračunu donositi dodatni prihod. Inače, na rijeci Orljavi ima još desetak mjesta pogodnih za izgradnju malih hidroelektrana, a mHE Pleternica nema gotovo nikakva utjecaja na okoliš i koristi se prirodni pad slapa. Gradnja je započela 7. kolovoza 2011. i završena u 2012.
Kralja Zvonimira St. 9, Pleternica, east of the park
Mini hydro power plant Pleternica or sHPP Pleternica is a small hydro power plant on the river Orljava and the first hydro power plant owned by a local government unit in Croatia (town of Pleternica) and also the first small hydro power plant built after the independence of Croatia.
sHPP Pleternica has a capacity of 220 kW, and it is planned to produce 1.1 million kWh of electricity per year (which is enough for public lighting of all 35 settlements in the area), and to bring additional revenue to the city budget. By the way, there are a dozen other places on the Orljava River suitable for the construction of small hydropower plants, and the Pleternica SHPP has almost no impact on the environment and the natural fall of the waterfall is used. Construction began on August 7, 2011 and was completed in 2012.