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Park i šetnica uz Orljavu, Pleternica, Hrvatska

Orljava izvire ispod vrhova Psunja na 800 mnv i najveća je rijeka Požeške kotline koja prikuplja sve vode gorskih potoka Požeštine do ušća u Savu kod Slavonskog Kobaša.

Duljina toka je oko 90 km u čijem su donjem toku djelomično očuvane izvorne nizinske šume vrba i topola koje su uvrštene u ekološku mrežu Natura 2000.

Park u Pleternici kvadratnog je oblika površine 1 ha. Spominje se kao ostatak nekadašnjeg perivoja uz stari dvorac i gospodarske zgrade oko njega. Danas u njemu dominira 20-ak vrsta drveća domaćih i stranih vrsta.


Park and promenade along Orljava river, Pleternica, Croatia

Orljava springs below the peaks of Psunj at 800 m above sea level and is the largest river in the Požega valley, which collects all the waters of the mountain streams of the Požega region to the confluence with the Sava near Slavonski Kobaš.

The length of the stream is about 90 km, in the lower course of which the original lowland forests of willows and poplars, which are included in the ecological network Natura 2000, have been partially preserved.

The park in Pleternica has a square shape of 1 ha. It is mentioned as a remnant of a former park next to the old castle and outbuildings around it. Today, it is dominated by about 20 species of domestic and foreign trees.