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Trg Zrinskog i Frankopana 2, Pleternica, Hrvatska

Trg bećarca dio je projekta “Kulturna ruta bećarca i gange”
Osnovni cilj projekta je oživljavanje nematerijalne kulturne baštine bećarca i gange koja će postati kulturno-turistička atrakcija ovih prostora, popraćena jedinstvenom turističkom infrastrukturom.
Trg u bojama slavonskih polja projekt je arhitekata iz ateliera Rusanov ured i predstavlja odličan primjer sklada s okolišem.


Zrinskog i Frankopana Square 2, Pleternica, Croatia

Bećar Square is part of the project “Cultural route of Bećar and Ganga”
The main goal of the project is to revive the intangible cultural heritage of Bećar and Ganga, which will become a cultural and tourist attraction of this area, accompanied by a unique tourist infrastructure.
The square in the colors of Slavonian fields is a project of the architects from the Rusan studio and is an excellent example of harmony with the environment.