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Luke Ibrišimovića 9, Velika, Hrvatska

Restoran Mališčak predstavlja idealno mjesto za vas i vašu obitelj ili vaše poslovne partnere. Prekrasno prirodno okruženje udobno namještene sobe i doručak iz naše kuhinje nešto je čemu je teško odoljeti.

Pružaju mogućnost noćenja u jedno ili dvokrevetnim sobama i u bungalovima. Svaka soba raspolaže sa kupaonicom, satelitskom antenom, televizorom i telefonom.
U ponudi je 30 dvokrevetnih soba, 7 jednokrevetnih soba, 1 apartman, 4 trokevetne sobe, 4 bungalova, te 4 sale za sastanke.

U novootvorenom i elegantno uređenom restoranu radi osoblje s višegodišnjim iskustvom koje će vaše povjerenje opravdati vrhunskim kulinarskim trendovima. Posebna pozornost posvećena je modernom i elegantnom uređenju interijera restorana. Restoran ima bogatu i raznovrsnu ponudu vrhunskih specijaliteta uz bogatu vinsku kartu.

Ukoliko planirate domjenak, poslovni ručak, proslavu obljetnica ili večernju zabavu oslonite se na iskustvo i profesionalnost osoblja restorana Mališčak u pružanju ugostiteljskih usluga vrhunske kvalitete.


Luke Ibrišimovića St. 9, Velika, Croatia

Restaurant Mališčak is an ideal place for you and your family or your business partners. The beautiful natural environment of the comfortably furnished room and the breakfast from our kitchen is something that is hard to resist.

They offer the possibility of spending the night in single or double rooms and bungalows. Each room has a bathroom, satellite dish, TV and telephone.
We offer 30 double rooms, 7 single rooms, 1 apartment, 4 triple rooms, 4 bungalows, and 4 meeting rooms.

The newly opened and elegantly decorated restaurant employs staff with many years of experience that will justify your trust in top culinary trends. Special attention is paid to the modern and elegant interior design of the restaurant. The restaurant has a rich and varied offer of top specialties with a rich wine list.

If you are planning a reception, business lunch, anniversary celebration or evening party, rely on the experience and professionalism of the staff of the Mališčak restaurant in providing top quality catering services.