Kaptolska utvrda, dio nekadašnje crkvene institucije Zbornog Kaptola sv. Petra, šesterokutni je kasnogotičko-renesansni kaštel s kružnim polukulama, te četvrtastom ulaznom kulom, koja je bila okružena opkopom ispunjenim vodom. Kaštel su osvojili Turci, te je sam Dizdar aga, posljednji osmanlijski gospar Kaptola, stanovao u njemu.
Kaštel je bio sjedište Pečujske biskupije od 13. st. do dolaska osmanlija, a danas je ova velebna ruševina u vlasništvu Požeške biskupije koja sustavno provodi konzervatorske radove s ciljem potpune obnove i stavljanja u funkciju.
Izvor: Turistička zajednica Požeško-slavonske županije
Vilima Korajca Square, Kaptol, Croatia
Fort Kaptol is a hexagonal late gothic-renaissance castle with circular semi towers, and a square entry tower, and it was part of a former sacral institution “Zborni kaptol Sv. Petra”. It was surrounded by a moat filled with water. The castle was taken over by Ottomans, and Dizdar aga himself – the last Ottoman owner of Kaptol, lived in it.
Castle was the centre of Diocese of Pecuj and run by it since the early 13th century up until the coming of Ottomans to Kaptol. Today, this monumental ruin is in the hands of Diocese of Požega and is constantly under conservation works with the goal of completely renewing it and restoring its full function.