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Župa sv. Nikole Biskupa u Pleternici, osnovana je 1333. godine i jedna je od najstarijih u Požeškoj biskupiji, a posljednjih 55 godina zbog devetnice Gospe od Suza koja se održava svake godine od 23. do 31. kolovoza postala je poznata vjernicima i iz drugih krajeva Hrvatske, a novootvorenom internet stranicom i vjernicima širom svijeta.

Tih dana dolaze nam vjernici iz cijelog sjevernog dijela naše domovine, pa i šire, a otkako je 2005. godine, na 50-tu obljetnicu štovanja Gospe u našoj župi, proglašeno Svetište Gospe od Suza, taj se broj još više povećao.


Dolač St. 6, Pleternica, Croatia

Parish of St. Nicholas The Bishop in Pleternica, was founded in 1333 and is one of the oldest in the Požega diocese, and for the last 55 years due to the novena of Our Lady of Tears, which is held every year from 23rd to 31st of August became known to believers from other parts of Croatia, and the newly opened website and believers around the world.

In those days, believers came to us from all over the northern part of our homeland, and beyond, and since 2005, on the 50th anniversary of the veneration of Our Lady in our parish, the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Tears was proclaimed, this number has increased even more.