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Grgin dol 20, Požega, Hrvatska

Grgin dol, kultni požeški restoran i prenoćište, korak do povijesne gradske jezgre, gdje se još od 19. stoljeća dobro družilo i još bolje jelo, danas je prepoznata odrednica zadovoljnih gostiju.

Utisnut u brda požeških vinograda, okružen prirodom, nalazi se na mjestu idealnom za vaš odmor i rekreaciju, obiteljske, prijateljske i poslovne objede, kao i organizaciju svih vrsta svečanosti.

Ima 17 moderno uređenih soba s ukupno 31 ležajem u 3 paviljona uklopljena u požeška brda, povezana s recepcijom i svim potrebama zahtjevnog gosta od LCD TV prijemnika sa satelitskim programima i klima uređaja, pa do besplatnog brzog bežičnog interneta.


Grgin dol St. 20, Požega, Croatia

Grgin dol, Požega’s renowned restaurant and lodging house is situated just a step away from the historical city centre. Today, it is a recognised destination of satisfied guests and a favourite venue for people of Požega looking for fresh air, good time and excellent food.

Rising from the hills covered with Požega vineyards where gentle breeze blows through crowns of chestnut and linden trees, Grgin dol is surrounded by the nature. It is ideally placed for your leisure, dining with your families, friends and business partners as well as to organise all types of events.

It has 17 modern rooms with a total of 31 beds in 3 pavilions located in the hills of Požega, connected to the reception and all the needs of the demanding guest from LCD TV with satellite programs and air conditioning, to free high speed wireless internet.