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Sv. Leopolda Mandića 2, Požega, Hrvatska

Župa sv. Leopolda Mandića u Požegi prva je župa u svijetu kojoj je taj hrvatski svetac postao zaštitnik. Nastala je podjelom župe sv. Terezije Avilske 1976. godine.

Razlozi za osnivanjem nove župe bili su većinom pastoralne naravi zbog priljeva velikog broja stanovnika u Požegu, čime se broj župljana župe sv. Terezije Avilske, koja je jedina bila župa, ubrzo popeo na 20 tisuća.

Uz spomenuti dio grada Požege, novoj župi pripala su i sela: Novi Štitnjak, Štitnjak, Marindvor, Bankovci i Kunovci – prema sjeveru, te prema zapadu: Gornji Emovci, Donji Emovci, Emovački Lug, Nova Lipa i Ugarci.

Radovi na izgradnji nove župne crkve započeli su 1984. godine. Gradnja crkve odvijala se velikom brzinom što najbolje svjedoči da je 1985. godine dočekan prvi Božić u novoj crkvi.



Sv. Leopolda Mandića St. 2, Požega, Croatia

Parish of St. Leopold Mandić in Požega is the first parish in the world to which this Croatian saint became the patron saint. It was created by dividing the parish of St. Theresa of Avila in 1976.

The reasons for founding the new parish were mostly of a pastoral nature due to the influx of a large number of inhabitants in Požega, which increased the number of parishioners of the parish of St. Theresa of Avila, which was the only parish, soon climbed to 20,000.

In addition to the mentioned part of the town of Požega, the new parish also included the villages: Novi Štitnjak, Štitnjak, Marindvor, Bankovci and Kunovci – to the north, and to the west: Gornji Emovci, Donji Emovci, Emovački Lug, Nova Lipa and Ugarci.

Work on the construction of the new parish church began in 1984. The construction of the church took place at a high speed, which is the best evidence that in 1985 the first Christmas was celebrated in the new church.